Founded in October 2016 as a 501(c)(3) organization, the LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois advocates, promotes, and facilitates the overall success of the LGBT community and its allies through equality, inclusion, economics, and continuing education.
The LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois is a not-for-profit advocacy organization dedicated to the expansion and fair access to all economic opportunities for the LGBT community, LGBT business enterprises, and LGBT professionals in Illinois.
The work of the LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois is rooted in both policy and economic advancement for the LGBT community as a whole. A successful LGBT business community strengthens its entire community and offers positive opportunities for economic stability and sustainability to everyone. LGBT economic visibility, just like LGBT social visibility, is essential in building a diverse and inclusive society free of LGBT discrimination.
Program Areas
Out At The Office (Workforce Development)
The LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois works to increase LGBT employment and income levels through job training and placement services, career exposure, career advancement, seminars, coaching and long-term retention strategies. We help individuals access the skills, knowledge, support and networks they need to enter the workforce and advance their careers.
Out & Empowered (Educational Training)
The LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois provides strategic consulting, classroom training and expert evaluation to support LGBT business expansion. It promotes sustainable best practices through ongoing monitoring and follow-ups with our LGBT Business Foundation business experts.
LGBT People In Power
The LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois promotes and empowers LGBT business leaders to achieve their personal and professional goals by increasing opportunities for LGBT people to serve on corporate boards and in the C-suite; mentoring LGBT people at all stages of their careers; providing for a sharing best practices and building a network for LGBT entrepreneurs that encourages peer-to-peer networking, education, and professional growth.
Out Suppliers (Supplier Diversity Training)
The LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois assists qualified small business owners with their LGBTBE certification process. Follow up services for certified LGBTBE businesses will be provided that include training in locating procurement opportunities and business development resources. The LGBT Business Foundation of Illinois continually advocates for equal rights, equal access, and equal acceptance in procurement diversity regulations and goals. Technical support is provided, as needed, to advance technical skills required for state-of-the-art business practices.